Lyric Video Contest

Are you 'Doin It Right?" If so, I want YOU to be in my new Fan Lyric Video for my new single 'Doin' It Right'!
Just post a picture (not video) on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with you doing or what you think of when you hear one of the things listed below. Also you have to include the hashtags next to it! You can enter as many photos as you like! The best ones will be in the Fan Lyric Video!
Whispering #DoinItRight #RAWhispering
Standing Up Shouting #DoinItRight #RAShouting
Riding with the top down #DoinItRight #RARiding
Dreaming #DoinItRight #RADreaming
Making a Big Scene #DoinItRight #RAScene
Doing Your Best #DoinItRight #RABest
Making A Mess #DoinItRight #RAMess
Trying #DoinItRight #RATrying
Crying #DoinItRight #RACrying
Shining Your Light #DoinItRight #RAShining
Dropping the Ball #DoinItRight #RADropping
Stumbling #DoinItRight #RAStumbling
Falling #DoinItRight #RAFalling
Falling in Love #DoinItRight #RALove
Hanging on Tight #DoinItRight #RATight
Praying #DoinItRight #RAPraying
Cutting Hair #DoinItRight #RAHair
Growing Hair Out #DoinItRight #RAGrowing
Compromising #DoinItRight #RACompromising
Putting Foot Down #DoinItRight #RAFootDown
Reminiscing #DoinItRight #RAReminiscing
Paying Full Price #DoinItRight #RAPaying
Finding a Sale #DoinItRight #RASale
Lending a Hand #DoinItRight #RALending
Taking a Friends Help #DoinItRight #RAFriend
Talking #DoinItRight #RATalking
Fighting That Fight #DoinItRight #RAFight
Facebook Users - Your post will need to be public in order for us to see it and your entry to count.
Twitter Users - Your account would need to be public for us to see it & your entry to count.
Instagram Users - Your post or account would need to be public for us to see it and your entry to count.